Earn Solana Staking Rewards with Figment

Solana is a permissionless, decentralized, and secure smart contract blockchain platform proposing to solve the scalability problem.

Solana encodes the passage of time as data, called Proof of History (PoH), that leverages a verifiable delay function (VDF) to reduce transactional overhead between nodes in the network. Solana has created a user-friendly platform experience which has a diverse application ecosystem and high transaction activity in the realms of video games, NFTs and DeFi. Solana has multiple key technological innovations that enable unparalleled transaction speed and remarkably low fees.

Market Cap


Staking Rewards Rate


Price $172.92
Auto-Compounding Yes
Reward Frequency Per epoch
Unbonding Period 2-6 days
Slashing Penalties Enabled No

Estimated staking information, Market Cap, and SRR (Staking Rewards Rate). Data is approximate and subject to change. Data provided by CoinGecko and/or Figment API.

Table of contents

Highlighted Protocol Characteristics

Staking Guide & Instructions

Figment Validator Addresses

Market Cap


Staking Rewards Rate


Price $172.92
Auto-Compounding Yes
Reward Frequency Per epoch
Unbonding Period 2-6 Days
Slashing Penalties Enabled No

Estimated staking information, Market Cap, and SRR (Staking Rewards Rate). Data is approximate and subject to change. Data provided by CoinGecko and/or Figment API.

Table of contents

The Latest Insights from Figment Experts


Rewards Performance

Figment clients benefit from our engineering and protocol expertise to earn consistent staking rewards via our safety over liveness approach.

Staking & Data

Manage your staking positions, view detailed and comprehensive rewards statements, analyze data on protocol wide and validator specific performance, and interact with blockchains with our Staking and Rewards APIs.​

Robust Risk Coverage

Off-the-shelf coverage for Figment customers to help offset the risk of slashing, downtime, and missed rewards backed by insurance and Figment’s balance sheet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Solana Beach is Solana’s network explorer.

We recommend using the SolFlare wallet to stake.

Check out the Solana team’s docs for other wallet options.
Solana’s native token, SOL, will be used for staking and transaction fees.

Solana also has a wrapped token, SPL. It is the standard for synthetic token creation and exchange.
Transfers are currently enabled.

Staking rewards were fully enabled on Feb 10, 2021.

From the time you begin staking, it will take about 48 hours to begin receiving rewards.

From the time you stop staking, it will take about 48 hours for your tokens to be liquid (ie. before you can transfer or trade them).

You can self-custody your Solana SOL tokens, ideally using a Ledger hardware wallet.

When you stake your SOL, the Solana protocol controls your tokens (not your validator) until you unstake.

Unstaking takes about 48 hours from the time you initiate the process.

Delegators will be slashed up to 100% via on-chain governance if their validator signs illegal transactions or votes for an illegal fork. Downtime slashing is not enabled on Solana at this time.

Rewards are staked automatically, which means you will need to unstake to withdraw your rewards.

Your potential rewards depend upon validator performance. When your validator is down, you will not be earning staking rewards.

No rewards are earned during the unbonding period. 

Right now, the inflation rate is around 8% of the total supply, set to decrease by 15% per year until reaching a floor of 1.5%.

Solana uses token voting for on-chain governance. Governance proposals are discussed on the Solana forum.

Long-term governance will be conducted under the Solana Foundation, a Swiss non-profit entity established in June 2019. Various stakeholder groups within the Solana community (such as validators, replicators, users, developers, and token holders) will elect the foundation’s board.

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